CriSPO: Multi-Aspect Critique-Suggestion-guided Automatic Prompt Optimization for Text Generation


大規模言語モデル(LLM)は、プロンプト技術を用いることで、領域横断的に流暢な要約を生成することができる。しかし、LLMが適切な詳細度と書き方で要約を生成するよう導く効果的なプロンプトを作成することは、依然として課題である。本稿では、要約プロンプトを強化するために、ソース文書から抽出された顕著な情報の利用を検討する。プロンプトにキーフレーズを追加することで、ROUGE F1とリコールが改善され、生成される要約が参考文献により近く、より完全なものになることを示す。キーフレーズの数は精度と再現率のトレードオフを制御することができる。さらに、我々の分析から、フレーズレベルの顕著な情報を取り入れることは、単語レベルや文レベルよりも優れていることが明らかになった。しかし、幻覚への影響はLLM間で普遍的にプラスに働くわけではない。この分析を行うために、我々はKeyphrase Signal Extractor (CriSPO)を導入する。CriSPOは、顕著なキーフレーズを抽出するために微調整が可能な軽量モデルである。CriSPOを使用することで、LLMをカスタマイズすることなく、データセット、オープンウェイトLLM、プロプライエタリLLMを問わず、一貫したROUGEの改善を達成した。我々の発見は、プロンプトベースの要約システムを構築する際に、顕著な情報を活用するための洞察を提供する。


Large language models (LLMs) can generate fluent summaries across domains using prompting techniques, reducing the need to train models for summarization applications. However, crafting effective prompts that guide LLMs to generate summaries with the appropriate level of detail and writing style remains a challenge. In this paper, we explore the use of salient information extracted from the source document to enhance summarization prompts. We show that adding keyphrases in prompts can improve ROUGE F1 and recall, making the generated summaries more similar to the reference and more complete. The number of keyphrases can control the precision-recall trade-off. Furthermore, our analysis reveals that incorporating phrase-level salient information is superior to word- or sentence-level. However, the impact on hallucination is not universally positive across LLMs. To conduct this analysis, we introduce Keyphrase Signal Extractor (CriSPO), a lightweight model that can be finetuned to extract salient keyphrases. By using CriSPO, we achieve consistent ROUGE improvements across datasets and open-weight and proprietary LLMs without any LLM customization. Our findings provide insights into leveraging salient information in building prompt-based summarization systems.


著者 Han He,Qianchu Liu,Lei Xu,Chaitanya Shivade,Yi Zhang,Sundararajan Srinivasan,Katrin Kirchhoff
発行日 2024-10-03 17:57:01+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG | コメントする

LML-DAP: Language Model Learning a Dataset for Data-Augmented Prediction




Classification tasks are typically handled using Machine Learning (ML) models, which lack a balance between accuracy and interpretability. This paper introduces a new approach to using Large Language Models (LLMs) for classification tasks in an explainable way. Unlike ML models that rely heavily on data cleaning and feature engineering, this method streamlines the process using LLMs. This paper proposes a new concept called ‘Language Model Learning (LML)’ powered by a new method called ‘Data-Augmented Prediction (DAP)’. The classification is performed by LLMs using a method similar to humans manually exploring and understanding the data and deciding classifications using data as a reference. In the LML process, a dataset is summarized and evaluated to determine the features that lead to the classification of each label the most. In the process of DAP, the system uses the data summary and a row of the testing dataset to automatically generate a query, which is used to retrieve relevant rows from the dataset. A classification is generated by the LLM using data summary and relevant rows, ensuring satisfactory accuracy even with complex data using context-aware decision-making. LML and DAP unlock the possibilities of new applications. The proposed method uses the words ‘Act as an Explainable Machine Learning Model’ in the prompt to enhance the interpretability of the predictions by allowing users to review the logic behind each prediction. In some test cases, the system scored an accuracy above 90%, proving the effectiveness of the system and its potential to outperform conventional ML models in various scenarios. The code is available at


著者 Praneeth Vadlapati
発行日 2024-10-03 17:57:07+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.IR, cs.LG | コメントする

Accelerating Training with Neuron Interaction and Nowcasting Networks




Neural network training can be accelerated when a learnable update rule is used in lieu of classic adaptive optimizers (e.g. Adam). However, learnable update rules can be costly and unstable to train and use. Recently, Jang et al. (2023) proposed a simpler approach to accelerate training based on weight nowcaster networks (WNNs). In their approach, Adam is used for most of the optimization steps and periodically, only every few steps, a WNN nowcasts (predicts near future) parameters. We improve WNNs by proposing neuron interaction and nowcasting (NiNo) networks. In contrast to WNNs, NiNo leverages neuron connectivity and graph neural networks to more accurately nowcast parameters. We further show that in some networks, such as Transformers, modeling neuron connectivity accurately is challenging. We address this and other limitations, which allows NiNo to accelerate Adam training by up to 50% in vision and language tasks.


著者 Boris Knyazev,Abhinav Moudgil,Guillaume Lajoie,Eugene Belilovsky,Simon Lacoste-Julien
発行日 2024-10-03 17:57:59+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, stat.ML | コメントする

CMP: Cooperative Motion Prediction with Multi-Agent Communication




The confluence of the advancement of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and the maturity of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication has enabled the capability of cooperative connected and automated vehicles (CAVs). Building on top of cooperative perception, this paper explores the feasibility and effectiveness of cooperative motion prediction. Our method, CMP, takes LiDAR signals as model input to enhance tracking and prediction capabilities. Unlike previous work that focuses separately on either cooperative perception or motion prediction, our framework, to the best of our knowledge, is the first to address the unified problem where CAVs share information in both perception and prediction modules. Incorporated into our design is the unique capability to tolerate realistic V2X bandwidth limitations and transmission delays, while dealing with bulky perception representations. We also propose a prediction aggregation module, which unifies the predictions obtained by different CAVs and generates the final prediction. Through extensive experiments and ablation studies on the OPV2V and V2V4Real datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in cooperative perception, tracking, and motion prediction. In particular, CMP reduces the average prediction error by 16.4\% with fewer missing detections compared with the no cooperation setting and by 12.3\% compared with the strongest baseline. Our work marks a significant step forward in the cooperative capabilities of CAVs, showcasing enhanced performance in complex scenarios. The code can be found on the project website:


著者 Zehao Wang,Yuping Wang,Zhuoyuan Wu,Hengbo Ma,Zhaowei Li,Hang Qiu,Jiachen Li
発行日 2024-10-03 17:59:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.MA, cs.RO | コメントする

FakeShield: Explainable Image Forgery Detection and Localization via Multi-modal Large Language Models




The rapid development of generative AI is a double-edged sword, which not only facilitates content creation but also makes image manipulation easier and more difficult to detect. Although current image forgery detection and localization (IFDL) methods are generally effective, they tend to face two challenges: \textbf{1)} black-box nature with unknown detection principle, \textbf{2)} limited generalization across diverse tampering methods (e.g., Photoshop, DeepFake, AIGC-Editing). To address these issues, we propose the explainable IFDL task and design FakeShield, a multi-modal framework capable of evaluating image authenticity, generating tampered region masks, and providing a judgment basis based on pixel-level and image-level tampering clues. Additionally, we leverage GPT-4o to enhance existing IFDL datasets, creating the Multi-Modal Tamper Description dataSet (MMTD-Set) for training FakeShield’s tampering analysis capabilities. Meanwhile, we incorporate a Domain Tag-guided Explainable Forgery Detection Module (DTE-FDM) and a Multi-modal Forgery Localization Module (MFLM) to address various types of tamper detection interpretation and achieve forgery localization guided by detailed textual descriptions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FakeShield effectively detects and localizes various tampering techniques, offering an explainable and superior solution compared to previous IFDL methods.


著者 Zhipei Xu,Xuanyu Zhang,Runyi Li,Zecheng Tang,Qing Huang,Jian Zhang
発行日 2024-10-03 17:59:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV | コメントする

Vinoground: Scrutinizing LMMs over Dense Temporal Reasoning with Short Videos




There has been growing sentiment recently that modern large multimodal models (LMMs) have addressed most of the key challenges related to short video comprehension. As a result, both academia and industry are gradually shifting their attention towards the more complex challenges posed by understanding long-form videos. However, is this really the case? Our studies indicate that LMMs still lack many fundamental reasoning capabilities even when dealing with short videos. We introduce Vinoground, a temporal counterfactual LMM evaluation benchmark encompassing 1000 short and natural video-caption pairs. We demonstrate that existing LMMs severely struggle to distinguish temporal differences between different actions and object transformations. For example, the best model GPT-4o only obtains ~50% on our text and video scores, showing a large gap compared to the human baseline of ~90%. All open-source multimodal models and CLIP-based models perform much worse, producing mostly random chance performance. Through this work, we shed light onto the fact that temporal reasoning in short videos is a problem yet to be fully solved. The dataset and evaluation code are available at


著者 Jianrui Zhang,Mu Cai,Yong Jae Lee
発行日 2024-10-03 17:59:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CV, cs.LG | コメントする

$\mathcal{D(R,O)}$ Grasp: A Unified Representation of Robot and Object Interaction for Cross-Embodiment Dexterous Grasping


器用な把持は、ロボットハンドと物体との間の正確な相互作用を必要とする、ロボット操作の基本的でありながら困難なスキルである。本論文では、把持ポーズをとるロボットハンドと物体との相互作用をモデル化する新しいフレームワーク$mathcal{D(R,O)}$ Graspを紹介する。我々のモデルは、ロボットハンドの記述と物体点群を入力とし、運動学的に有効で安定した把持を効率的に予測し、多様なロボットの形態と物体形状に強い適応性を示す。シミュレーション環境と実環境の両方で行われた広範な実験により、複数のロボットハンドにおいて、成功率、把持の多様性、推論速度が大幅に改善され、我々のアプローチの有効性が検証された。我々の手法は、3つの異なる器用なロボットハンドでテストした結果、シミュレーションでは平均87.53%の成功率を1秒未満で達成した。また、LeapHandを用いた実際の実験においても、本手法は平均89%の成功率を示す。Graspは、複雑で多様な環境で器用に把持するためのロバストなソリューションを提供する。コード、付録、ビデオはプロジェクトのウェブサイト。


Dexterous grasping is a fundamental yet challenging skill in robotic manipulation, requiring precise interaction between robotic hands and objects. In this paper, we present $\mathcal{D(R,O)}$ Grasp, a novel framework that models the interaction between the robotic hand in its grasping pose and the object, enabling broad generalization across various robot hands and object geometries. Our model takes the robot hand’s description and object point cloud as inputs and efficiently predicts kinematically valid and stable grasps, demonstrating strong adaptability to diverse robot embodiments and object geometries. Extensive experiments conducted in both simulated and real-world environments validate the effectiveness of our approach, with significant improvements in success rate, grasp diversity, and inference speed across multiple robotic hands. Our method achieves an average success rate of 87.53% in simulation in less than one second, tested across three different dexterous robotic hands. In real-world experiments using the LeapHand, the method also demonstrates an average success rate of 89%. $\mathcal{D(R,O)}$ Grasp provides a robust solution for dexterous grasping in complex and varied environments. The code, appendix, and videos are available on our project website at


著者 Zhenyu Wei,Zhixuan Xu,Jingxiang Guo,Yiwen Hou,Chongkai Gao,Zhehao Cai,Jiayu Luo,Lin Shao
発行日 2024-10-03 16:05:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.RO | コメントする

Quantifying Generalization Complexity for Large Language Models




While large language models (LLMs) have shown exceptional capabilities in understanding complex queries and performing sophisticated tasks, their generalization abilities are often deeply entangled with memorization, necessitating more precise evaluation. To address this challenge, we introduce Scylla, a dynamic evaluation framework that quantitatively measures the generalization abilities of LLMs. Scylla disentangles generalization from memorization via assessing model performance on both in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) data through 20 tasks across 5 levels of complexity. Through extensive experiments, we uncover a non-monotonic relationship between task complexity and the performance gap between ID and OOD data, which we term the generalization valley. Specifically, this phenomenon reveals a critical threshold – referred to as critical complexity – where reliance on non-generalizable behavior peaks, indicating the upper bound of LLMs’ generalization capabilities. As model size increases, the critical complexity shifts toward higher levels of task complexity, suggesting that larger models can handle more complex reasoning tasks before over-relying on memorization. Leveraging Scylla and the concept of critical complexity, we benchmark 28LLMs including both open-sourced models such as LLaMA and Qwen families, and close-sourced models like Claude and GPT, providing a more robust evaluation and establishing a clearer understanding of LLMs’ generalization capabilities.


著者 Zhenting Qi,Hongyin Luo,Xuliang Huang,Zhuokai Zhao,Yibo Jiang,Xiangjun Fan,Himabindu Lakkaraju,James Glass
発行日 2024-10-03 15:30:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.CL | コメントする

Leopard: A Vision Language Model For Text-Rich Multi-Image Tasks




Text-rich images, where text serves as the central visual element guiding the overall understanding, are prevalent in real-world applications, such as presentation slides, scanned documents, and webpage snapshots. Tasks involving multiple text-rich images are especially challenging, as they require not only understanding the content of individual images but reasoning about inter-relationships and logical flows across multiple visual inputs. Despite the importance of these scenarios, current multimodal large language models (MLLMs) struggle to handle such tasks due to two key challenges: (1) the scarcity of high-quality instruction tuning datasets for text-rich multi-image scenarios, and (2) the difficulty in balancing image resolution with visual feature sequence length. To address these challenges, we propose Leopard, a MLLM designed specifically for handling vision-language tasks involving multiple text-rich images. First, we curated about one million high-quality multimodal instruction-tuning data, tailored to text-rich, multi-image scenarios. Second, we developed an adaptive high-resolution multi-image encoding module to dynamically optimize the allocation of visual sequence length based on the original aspect ratios and resolutions of the input images. Experiments across a wide range of benchmarks demonstrate our model’s superior capabilities in text-rich, multi-image evaluations and competitive performance in general domain evaluations.


著者 Mengzhao Jia,Wenhao Yu,Kaixin Ma,Tianqing Fang,Zhihan Zhang,Siru Ouyang,Hongming Zhang,Meng Jiang,Dong Yu
発行日 2024-10-03 15:57:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.CV | コメントする

Fake It Until You Break It: On the Adversarial Robustness of AI-generated Image Detectors




While generative AI (GenAI) offers countless possibilities for creative and productive tasks, artificially generated media can be misused for fraud, manipulation, scams, misinformation campaigns, and more. To mitigate the risks associated with maliciously generated media, forensic classifiers are employed to identify AI-generated content. However, current forensic classifiers are often not evaluated in practically relevant scenarios, such as the presence of an attacker or when real-world artifacts like social media degradations affect images. In this paper, we evaluate state-of-the-art AI-generated image (AIGI) detectors under different attack scenarios. We demonstrate that forensic classifiers can be effectively attacked in realistic settings, even when the attacker does not have access to the target model and post-processing occurs after the adversarial examples are created, which is standard on social media platforms. These attacks can significantly reduce detection accuracy to the extent that the risks of relying on detectors outweigh their benefits. Finally, we propose a simple defense mechanism to make CLIP-based detectors, which are currently the best-performing detectors, robust against these attacks.


著者 Sina Mavali,Jonas Ricker,David Pape,Yash Sharma,Asja Fischer,Lea Schönherr
発行日 2024-10-03 10:11:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG | コメントする