Discovering Clues of Spoofed LM Watermarks




LLM watermarks stand out as a promising way to attribute ownership of LLM-generated text. One threat to watermark credibility comes from spoofing attacks, where an unauthorized third party forges the watermark, enabling it to falsely attribute arbitrary texts to a particular LLM. While recent works have demonstrated that state-of-the-art schemes are in fact vulnerable to spoofing, they lack deeper qualitative analysis of the texts produced by spoofing methods. In this work, we for the first time reveal that there are observable differences between genuine and spoofed watermark texts. Namely, we show that regardless of their underlying approach, all current spoofing methods consistently leave observable artifacts in spoofed texts, indicative of watermark forgery. We build upon these findings to propose rigorous statistical tests that reliably reveal the presence of such artifacts, effectively discovering that a watermark was spoofed. Our experimental evaluation shows high test power across all current spoofing methods, providing insights into their fundamental limitations, and suggesting a way to mitigate this threat.


著者 Thibaud Gloaguen,Nikola Jovanović,Robin Staab,Martin Vechev
発行日 2024-10-03 17:18:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CR, cs.LG | コメントする

HELMET: How to Evaluate Long-Context Language Models Effectively and Thoroughly


ロングコンテクスト言語モデル(LCLM)を評価するためのベンチマークは数多く存在するが、開発者はしばしば、NIAH(needle-in-a-haystack)のような合成タスクやタスクの任意のサブセットに依存している。これらのタスクがLCLMの多様な下流アプリケーションに適用できるかどうかは依然として不明であり、矛盾がモデルの比較をさらに複雑にしている。我々は、現在の手法の背後にある根本的な理由を調査し、既存のベンチマークが、アプリケーションのカバレッジの低さ、不十分な長さ、信頼性の低いメトリクス、および基本モデルとの非互換性のために、しばしばノイズの多いシグナルを提供することを発見した。本研究では、7つの多様なアプリケーション中心のカテゴリを網羅する包括的なベンチマークであるHELMET(How to Evaluate Long-context Models Effectively and Thoroughly)を発表する。また、128kトークンまでの制御可能な長さの追加、信頼性の高いメトリクスのためのモデルベース評価、ベースモデルをロバストに評価するための少数ショットプロンプトの追加により、これまでのベンチマークの多くの問題に対処している。その結果、HELMETがフロンティアLCLMのより信頼性の高い一貫したランキングを提供することが実証された。51のLCLMの包括的な研究を通じて、我々は、(1)NIAHのような合成タスクは、ダウンストリームの性能の良い予測因子ではないこと、(2)HELMETの多様なカテゴリは、明確な傾向を示し、互いの相関は低いこと、(3)ほとんどのLCLMがNIAHの満点を達成する一方で、タスクがフルコンテキストの推論や複雑な指示に従うことを必要とする場合、オープンソースモデルはクローズドモデルに大きく遅れをとること(その差は、長さが長くなるにつれて拡大する)を発見した。最終的には、多様なタスクの総合的な評価を提唱する。


There have been many benchmarks for evaluating long-context language models (LCLMs), but developers often rely on synthetic tasks like needle-in-a-haystack (NIAH) or arbitrary subsets of tasks. It remains unclear whether they translate to the diverse downstream applications of LCLMs, and the inconsistency further complicates model comparison. We investigate the underlying reasons behind current practices and find that existing benchmarks often provide noisy signals due to low coverage of applications, insufficient lengths, unreliable metrics, and incompatibility with base models. In this work, we present HELMET (How to Evaluate Long-context Models Effectively and Thoroughly), a comprehensive benchmark encompassing seven diverse, application-centric categories. We also address many issues in previous benchmarks by adding controllable lengths up to 128k tokens, model-based evaluation for reliable metrics, and few-shot prompting for robustly evaluating base models. Consequently, we demonstrate that HELMET offers more reliable and consistent rankings of frontier LCLMs. Through a comprehensive study of 51 LCLMs, we find that (1) synthetic tasks like NIAH are not good predictors of downstream performance; (2) the diverse categories in HELMET exhibit distinct trends and low correlation with each other; and (3) while most LCLMs achieve perfect NIAH scores, open-source models significantly lag behind closed ones when the task requires full-context reasoning or following complex instructions — the gap widens with increased lengths. Finally, we recommend using our RAG tasks for fast model development, as they are easy to run and more predictive of other downstream performance; ultimately, we advocate for a holistic evaluation across diverse tasks.


著者 Howard Yen,Tianyu Gao,Minmin Hou,Ke Ding,Daniel Fleischer,Peter Izasak,Moshe Wasserblat,Danqi Chen
発行日 2024-10-03 17:20:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL | コメントする

VideoPhy: Evaluating Physical Commonsense for Video Generation


インターネット規模のビデオデータの事前学習における最近の進歩により、幅広い視覚的概念にわたって高品質なビデオを作成し、リアルなモーションを合成し、複雑なオブジェクトをレンダリングできる、テキストからビデオへの生成モデルが開発された。したがって、これらの生成モデルは、物理世界の汎用シミュレータになる可能性を秘めている。しかし、既存のテキストから動画への生成モデルで、この目標までどの程度の距離があるのかは不明である。この目的のために、我々はVideoPhyを提示する。VideoPhyは、生成された動画が実世界の活動(例えば、ビー玉は斜めの表面に置かれると転がり落ちる)の物理的常識に従っているかどうかを評価するために設計されたベンチマークである。具体的には、物理世界における様々な種類の物質間の相互作用(例:固体-固体、固体-流体、流体-流体)を含む多様なプロンプトをキュレートする。次に、オープンモデル(CogVideoXなど)やクローズドモデル(Lumiere、Dream Machineなど)を含む、多様な最先端のテキストから動画への生成モデルから、これらのキャプションを条件とする動画を生成する。我々の人間による評価では、既存のモデルは与えられたテキストプロンプトに忠実なビデオを生成する能力が著しく欠けており、また物理的な常識も欠けていることが明らかになった。具体的には、最も性能の良いモデルであるCogVideoX-5Bは、39.6%のインスタンスでキャプションと物理法則に従ったビデオを生成する。このようにVideoPhyは、ビデオ生成モデルが物理世界を正確にシミュレートするには程遠いことを強調している。最後に、新しくリリースされたモデルの性能を確実に評価するために、自動評価ツールVideoCon-Physicsを提案する。


Recent advances in internet-scale video data pretraining have led to the development of text-to-video generative models that can create high-quality videos across a broad range of visual concepts, synthesize realistic motions and render complex objects. Hence, these generative models have the potential to become general-purpose simulators of the physical world. However, it is unclear how far we are from this goal with the existing text-to-video generative models. To this end, we present VideoPhy, a benchmark designed to assess whether the generated videos follow physical commonsense for real-world activities (e.g. marbles will roll down when placed on a slanted surface). Specifically, we curate diverse prompts that involve interactions between various material types in the physical world (e.g., solid-solid, solid-fluid, fluid-fluid). We then generate videos conditioned on these captions from diverse state-of-the-art text-to-video generative models, including open models (e.g., CogVideoX) and closed models (e.g., Lumiere, Dream Machine). Our human evaluation reveals that the existing models severely lack the ability to generate videos adhering to the given text prompts, while also lack physical commonsense. Specifically, the best performing model, CogVideoX-5B, generates videos that adhere to the caption and physical laws for 39.6% of the instances. VideoPhy thus highlights that the video generative models are far from accurately simulating the physical world. Finally, we propose an auto-evaluator, VideoCon-Physics, to assess the performance reliably for the newly released models.


著者 Hritik Bansal,Zongyu Lin,Tianyi Xie,Zeshun Zong,Michal Yarom,Yonatan Bitton,Chenfanfu Jiang,Yizhou Sun,Kai-Wei Chang,Aditya Grover
発行日 2024-10-03 17:24:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG | コメントする

Lookback Lens: Detecting and Mitigating Contextual Hallucinations in Large Language Models Using Only Attention Maps


ある文章を要約したり、質問に答えたりするよう求められると、大規模言語モデル(LLM)は詳細を幻覚し、入力文脈に対して不正確な根拠のない答えを返すことがある。本稿では、このような文脈の幻覚を検出するための簡単なアプローチについて述べる。我々は、文脈の幻覚は、LLMが提供された文脈の情報に注意を払う程度と、LLM自身の世代の情報に注意を払う程度とが関係していると仮定する。この直感に基づき、文脈に対する注意の重みと新しく生成されたトークンに対する注意の重みの比を入力特徴量とする簡単な幻覚検出モデルを提案する(各注意ヘッドに対して)。我々は、これらのルックバック比特徴に基づく線形分類器が、LLMやテキストベースの含意モデルの隠れた状態全体を利用する、よりリッチな検出器と同程度に効果的であることを発見した。ルックバック比に基づく検出器(Lookback Lens)は、タスクやモデルさえも横断的に移行することがわかり、7Bのモデルで学習した検出器を(再学習することなく)より大きな13Bのモデルに適用することができる。さらに、この検出器を文脈による幻覚を軽減するために適用し、単純な分類器ガイド付きデコーディングアプローチにより、例えばXSum要約タスクにおいて9.6%の幻覚の量を減らすことができることを発見した。


When asked to summarize articles or answer questions given a passage, large language models (LLMs) can hallucinate details and respond with unsubstantiated answers that are inaccurate with respect to the input context. This paper describes a simple approach for detecting such contextual hallucinations. We hypothesize that contextual hallucinations are related to the extent to which an LLM attends to information in the provided context versus its own generations. Based on this intuition, we propose a simple hallucination detection model whose input features are given by the ratio of attention weights on the context versus newly generated tokens (for each attention head). We find that a linear classifier based on these lookback ratio features is as effective as a richer detector that utilizes the entire hidden states of an LLM or a text-based entailment model. The lookback ratio-based detector — Lookback Lens — is found to transfer across tasks and even models, allowing a detector that is trained on a 7B model to be applied (without retraining) to a larger 13B model. We further apply this detector to mitigate contextual hallucinations, and find that a simple classifier-guided decoding approach is able to reduce the amount of hallucination, for example by 9.6% in the XSum summarization task.


著者 Yung-Sung Chuang,Linlu Qiu,Cheng-Yu Hsieh,Ranjay Krishna,Yoon Kim,James Glass
発行日 2024-10-03 17:26:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG | コメントする

Selective Attention Improves Transformer




Unneeded elements in the attention’s context degrade performance. We introduce Selective Attention, a simple parameter-free change to the standard attention mechanism which reduces attention to unneeded elements. Selective attention improves language modeling performance in a variety of model sizes and context lengths. For example, a range of transformers trained with the language modeling objective on C4 with selective attention perform equivalently to standard transformers with ~2X more heads and parameters in their attention modules. Selective attention also allows decreasing the size of the attention’s context buffer, leading to meaningful reductions in the memory and compute requirements during inference. For example, transformers with 100M parameters trained on C4 with context sizes of 512, 1,024, and 2,048 need 16X, 25X, and 47X less memory for their attention module, respectively, when equipped with selective attention, as those without selective attention, with the same validation perplexity.


著者 Yaniv Leviathan,Matan Kalman,Yossi Matias
発行日 2024-10-03 17:27:30+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG | コメントする

LLMs Know More Than They Show: On the Intrinsic Representation of LLM Hallucinations




Large language models (LLMs) often produce errors, including factual inaccuracies, biases, and reasoning failures, collectively referred to as ‘hallucinations’. Recent studies have demonstrated that LLMs’ internal states encode information regarding the truthfulness of their outputs, and that this information can be utilized to detect errors. In this work, we show that the internal representations of LLMs encode much more information about truthfulness than previously recognized. We first discover that the truthfulness information is concentrated in specific tokens, and leveraging this property significantly enhances error detection performance. Yet, we show that such error detectors fail to generalize across datasets, implying that — contrary to prior claims — truthfulness encoding is not universal but rather multifaceted. Next, we show that internal representations can also be used for predicting the types of errors the model is likely to make, facilitating the development of tailored mitigation strategies. Lastly, we reveal a discrepancy between LLMs’ internal encoding and external behavior: they may encode the correct answer, yet consistently generate an incorrect one. Taken together, these insights deepen our understanding of LLM errors from the model’s internal perspective, which can guide future research on enhancing error analysis and mitigation.


著者 Hadas Orgad,Michael Toker,Zorik Gekhman,Roi Reichart,Idan Szpektor,Hadas Kotek,Yonatan Belinkov
発行日 2024-10-03 17:31:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: 68T50, cs.AI, cs.CL, I.2.7 | コメントする

SteerDiff: Steering towards Safe Text-to-Image Diffusion Models




Text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models have drawn attention for their ability to generate high-quality images with precise text alignment. However, these models can also be misused to produce inappropriate content. Existing safety measures, which typically rely on text classifiers or ControlNet-like approaches, are often insufficient. Traditional text classifiers rely on large-scale labeled datasets and can be easily bypassed by rephrasing. As diffusion models continue to scale, fine-tuning these safeguards becomes increasingly challenging and lacks flexibility. Recent red-teaming attack researches further underscore the need for a new paradigm to prevent the generation of inappropriate content. In this paper, we introduce SteerDiff, a lightweight adaptor module designed to act as an intermediary between user input and the diffusion model, ensuring that generated images adhere to ethical and safety standards with little to no impact on usability. SteerDiff identifies and manipulates inappropriate concepts within the text embedding space to guide the model away from harmful outputs. We conduct extensive experiments across various concept unlearning tasks to evaluate the effectiveness of our approach. Furthermore, we benchmark SteerDiff against multiple red-teaming strategies to assess its robustness. Finally, we explore the potential of SteerDiff for concept forgetting tasks, demonstrating its versatility in text-conditioned image generation.


著者 Hongxiang Zhang,Yifeng He,Hao Chen
発行日 2024-10-03 17:34:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CR, cs.CV | コメントする

Measurements with Noise: Bayesian Optimization for Co-optimizing Noise and Property Discovery in Automated Experiments




We have developed a Bayesian optimization (BO) workflow that integrates intra-step noise optimization into automated experimental cycles. Traditional BO approaches in automated experiments focus on optimizing experimental trajectories but often overlook the impact of measurement noise on data quality and cost. Our proposed framework simultaneously optimizes both the target property and the associated measurement noise by introducing time as an additional input parameter, thereby balancing the signal-to-noise ratio and experimental duration. Two approaches are explored: a reward-driven noise optimization and a double-optimization acquisition function, both enhancing the efficiency of automated workflows by considering noise and cost within the optimization process. We validate our method through simulations and real-world experiments using Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM), demonstrating the successful optimization of measurement duration and property exploration. Our approach offers a scalable solution for optimizing multiple variables in automated experimental workflows, improving data quality, and reducing resource expenditure in materials science and beyond.


著者 Boris N. Slautin,Yu Liu,Jan Dec,Vladimir V. Shvartsman,Doru C. Lupascu,Maxim Ziatdinov,Sergei V. Kalinin
発行日 2024-10-03 17:38:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cond-mat.mtrl-sci, cs.AI, cs.LG | コメントする

Curvature Diversity-Driven Deformation and Domain Alignment for Point Cloud




Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is crucial for reducing the need for extensive manual data annotation when training deep networks on point cloud data. A significant challenge of UDA lies in effectively bridging the domain gap. To tackle this challenge, we propose \textbf{C}urvature \textbf{D}iversity-Driven \textbf{N}uclear-Norm Wasserstein \textbf{D}omain Alignment (CDND). Our approach first introduces a \textit{\textbf{Curv}ature Diversity-driven Deformation \textbf{Rec}onstruction (CurvRec)} task, which effectively mitigates the gap between the source and target domains by enabling the model to extract salient features from semantically rich regions of a given point cloud. We then propose \textit{\textbf{D}eformation-based \textbf{N}uclear-norm \textbf{W}asserstein \textbf{D}iscrepancy (D-NWD)}, which applies the Nuclear-norm Wasserstein Discrepancy to both \textit{deformed and original} data samples to align the source and target domains. Furthermore, we contribute a theoretical justification for the effectiveness of D-NWD in distribution alignment and demonstrate that it is \textit{generic} enough to be applied to \textbf{any} deformations. To validate our method, we conduct extensive experiments on two public domain adaptation datasets for point cloud classification and segmentation tasks. Empirical experiment results show that our CDND achieves state-of-the-art performance by a noticeable margin over existing approaches.


著者 Mengxi Wu,Hao Huang,Yi Fang,Mohammad Rostami
発行日 2024-10-03 17:39:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV | コメントする

Domain-Specific Retrieval-Augmented Generation Using Vector Stores, Knowledge Graphs, and Tensor Factorization




Large Language Models (LLMs) are pre-trained on large-scale corpora and excel in numerous general natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as question answering (QA). Despite their advanced language capabilities, when it comes to domain-specific and knowledge-intensive tasks, LLMs suffer from hallucinations, knowledge cut-offs, and lack of knowledge attributions. Additionally, fine tuning LLMs’ intrinsic knowledge to highly specific domains is an expensive and time consuming process. The retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) process has recently emerged as a method capable of optimization of LLM responses, by referencing them to a predetermined ontology. It was shown that using a Knowledge Graph (KG) ontology for RAG improves the QA accuracy, by taking into account relevant sub-graphs that preserve the information in a structured manner. In this paper, we introduce SMART-SLIC, a highly domain-specific LLM framework, that integrates RAG with KG and a vector store (VS) that store factual domain specific information. Importantly, to avoid hallucinations in the KG, we build these highly domain-specific KGs and VSs without the use of LLMs, but via NLP, data mining, and nonnegative tensor factorization with automatic model selection. Pairing our RAG with a domain-specific: (i) KG (containing structured information), and (ii) VS (containing unstructured information) enables the development of domain-specific chat-bots that attribute the source of information, mitigate hallucinations, lessen the need for fine-tuning, and excel in highly domain-specific question answering tasks. We pair SMART-SLIC with chain-of-thought prompting agents. The framework is designed to be generalizable to adapt to any specific or specialized domain. In this paper, we demonstrate the question answering capabilities of our framework on a corpus of scientific publications on malware analysis and anomaly detection.


著者 Ryan C. Barron,Ves Grantcharov,Selma Wanna,Maksim E. Eren,Manish Bhattarai,Nicholas Solovyev,George Tompkins,Charles Nicholas,Kim Ø. Rasmussen,Cynthia Matuszek,Boian S. Alexandrov
発行日 2024-10-03 17:40:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.IR, cs.SE | コメントする