- Design of a Visual Pose Estimation Algorithm for Moon Landing
- A novel step-by-step procedure for the kinematic calibration of robots using a single draw-wire encoder
- Ultra-High-Frequency Harmony: mmWave Radar and Event Camera Orchestrate Accurate Drone Landing
- Geometric Freeze-Tag Problem
- A Dual-Motor Actuator for Ceiling Robots with High Force and High Speed Capabilities
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GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models
要約 Generative Pre-trained Transformer (G … 続きを読む
Bounded rationality for relaxing best response and mutual consistency: The Quantal Hierarchy model of decision-making
要約 ゲーム理論は意思決定に変革をもたらしてきましたが、特定の例では、仮定が過度 … 続きを読む
Both eyes open: Vigilant Incentives help Regulatory Markets improve AI Safety
要約 AIのリーダーたちによる急速な発見を背景に、各国政府は、新しいAI能力の増 … 続きを読む
Genetic multi-armed bandits: a reinforcement learning approach for discrete optimization via simulation
要約 この論文では、GMAB と呼ばれる新しいアルゴリズムを提案します。このアル … 続きを読む