- 3D Water Quality Mapping using Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering for Underwater Robot Localization
- Hybrid Visual Servoing of Tendon-driven Continuum Robots
- Embodying Control in Soft Multistable Grippers from morphofunctional co-design
- View-Invariant Policy Learning via Zero-Shot Novel View Synthesis
- ModSkill: Physical Character Skill Modularization
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Precision Spectroscopy of Fast, Hot Exotic Isotopes Using Machine Learning Assisted Event-by-Event Doppler Correction
要約 タイトル:機械学習支援のイベント・バイ・イベント・ドップラー補正を使用した … 続きを読む
カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, nucl-ex, physics.atom-ph, physics.comp-ph
Precision Spectroscopy of Fast, Hot Exotic Isotopes Using Machine Learning Assisted Event-by-Event Doppler Correction はコメントを受け付けていません
Interpretable Boosted Decision Tree Analysis for the Majorana Demonstrator
要約 Majorana Demonstrator は、高純度ゲルマニウム検出器 … 続きを読む
カテゴリー: cs.LG, nucl-ex, physics.data-an
Interpretable Boosted Decision Tree Analysis for the Majorana Demonstrator はコメントを受け付けていません