- Enhancing Trust in Autonomous Agents: An Architecture for Accountability and Explainability through Blockchain and Large Language Models
- $\mathcal{L}_1$Quad: $\mathcal{L}_1$ Adaptive Augmentation of Geometric Control for Agile Quadrotors with Performance Guarantees
- Scalable and low-cost remote lab platforms: Teaching industrial robotics using open-source tools and understanding its social implications
- Tabletop Object Rearrangement: Structure, Complexity, and Efficient Combinatorial Search-Based Solutions
- AdaCred: Adaptive Causal Decision Transformers with Feature Crediting
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Quantum Theory and Application of Contextual Optimal Transport
要約 最適輸送(Optimal Transport: OT)は、多くの領域で機械 … 続きを読む
Syntax-semantics interface: an algebraic model
要約 ホップ代数の観点からマージとミニマリズムの定式化を構文意味論的インターフェ … 続きを読む
Mathematical Structure of Syntactic Merge
要約 言語学におけるミニマリスト プログラムの構文的なマージ操作は、繰り込みの物 … 続きを読む
Quantum-Inspired Edge Detection Algorithms Implementation using New Dynamic Visual Data Representation and Short-Length Convolution Computation
要約 画像データの可用性が高まるにつれて、転送、ストレージ、および処理能力に対す … 続きを読む