- Competency-Aware Planning for Probabilistically Safe Navigation Under Perception Uncertainty
- RLPP: A Residual Method for Zero-Shot Real-World Autonomous Racing on Scaled Platforms
- Surena-V: A Humanoid Robot for Human-Robot Collaboration with Optimization-based Control Architecture
- Safe and Trustworthy Robot Pathfinding with BIM, MHA*, and NLP
- An Efficient Numerical Function Optimization Framework for Constrained Nonlinear Robotic Problems
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Pessimistic asynchronous sampling in high-cost Bayesian optimization
要約 非同期ベイジアン最適化は、実験システムとばらばらのワークフローの並列操作を … 続きを読む
Pessimistic asynchronous sampling in high-cost Bayesian optimization
要約 非同期ベイジアン最適化は、実験システムとばらばらのワークフローの並列操作を … 続きを読む