- Cooptimizing Safety and Performance with a Control-Constrained Formulation
- Adapting Pre-Trained Vision Models for Novel Instance Detection and Segmentation
- Reactive Synthesis of Sensor Revealing Strategies in Hypergames on Graphs
- Tractability Frontiers in Multi-Robot Coordination and Geometric Reconfiguration
- C*: A New Bounding Approach for the Moving-Target Traveling Salesman Problem
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Algorithms for Social Justice: Affirmative Action in Social Networks
要約 タイトル:ソーシャルジャスティスのためのアルゴリズム:ソーシャルネットワー … 続きを読む
Why Deep Learning’s Performance Data Are Misleading
要約 タイトル:ディープラーニングのパフォーマンスデータは誤解を招く 要約: & … 続きを読む