- Learning Decentralized Swarms Using Rotation Equivariant Graph Neural Networks
- SET-PAiREd: Designing for Parental Involvement in Learning with an AI-Assisted Educational Robot
- UASTHN: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Homography Estimation for UAV Satellite-Thermal Geo-localization
- Steering Your Generalists: Improving Robotic Foundation Models via Value Guidance
- The Geometry of Optimal Gait Families for Steering Kinematic Locomoting Systems
表示できるコメントはありません。 cs.AI (34242) cs.CL (25887) cs.CR (2632) cs.CV (40143) cs.LG (39245) cs.RO (19992) cs.SY (3038) eess.IV (4777) eess.SY (3032) stat.ML (5176)
「E.0; J.0」カテゴリーアーカイブ
Road Rutting Detection using Deep Learning on Images
要約 道路わだち掘れは深刻な道路障害であり、道路の早期故障を引き起こし、費用のか … 続きを読む