- TOFFE — Temporally-binned Object Flow from Events for High-speed and Energy-Efficient Object Detection and Tracking
- ELEGNT: Expressive and Functional Movement Design for Non-anthropomorphic Robot
- Tightly Coupled SLAM with Imprecise Architectural Plans
- LatentBKI: Open-Dictionary Continuous Mapping in Visual-Language Latent Spaces with Quantifiable Uncertainty
- Interaction Dataset of Autonomous Vehicles with Traffic Lights and Signs
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Light-Weight Fault Tolerant Attention for Large Language Model Training
要約 大規模言語モデル (LLM) は、さまざまな自然言語処理タスクにおいて顕著 … 続きを読む
Light-Weight Fault Tolerant Attention for Large Language Model Training
要約 大規模言語モデル (LLM) は、さまざまな自然言語処理タスクにおいて顕著 … 続きを読む
FedStein: Enhancing Multi-Domain Federated Learning Through James-Stein Estimator
要約 Federated Learning(FL)は、分散化されたクライアント間 … 続きを読む
FLeNS: Federated Learning with Enhanced Nesterov-Newton Sketch
要約 フェデレーテッド ラーニングは、特に 2 次メソッドの場合、通信効率と迅速 … 続きを読む