- Human2Robot: Learning Robot Actions from Paired Human-Robot Videos
- Co-MTP: A Cooperative Trajectory Prediction Framework with Multi-Temporal Fusion for Autonomous Driving
- Improving Monocular Visual-Inertial Initialization with Structureless Visual-Inertial Bundle Adjustment
- MetaSym: A Symplectic Meta-learning Framework for Physical Intelligence
- Phase-Independent Dynamic Movement Primitives With Applications to Human-Robot Co-manipulation and Time Optimal Planning
表示できるコメントはありません。 cs.AI (34175) cs.CL (25835) cs.CR (2628) cs.CV (40083) cs.LG (39169) cs.RO (19945) cs.SY (3034) eess.IV (4770) eess.SY (3028) stat.ML (5169)
「93D50 (Primary) 93B70 (Secondary)」カテゴリーアーカイブ
Can Competition Outperform Collaboration? The Role of Misbehaving Agents
要約 一部のエージェントが誤動作する予期せぬイベントが発生しやすいマルチエージェ … 続きを読む