- Unified Multimodal Discrete Diffusion
- A Study of Perceived Safety for Soft Robotics in Caregiving Tasks
- Pellet-based 3D Printing of Soft Thermoplastic Elastomeric Membranes for Soft Robotic Applications
- SimBEV: A Synthetic Multi-Task Multi-Sensor Driving Data Generation Tool and Dataset
- Multi-Agent Inverse Reinforcement Learning in Real World Unstructured Pedestrian Crowds
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Adaptive Dual-Headway Unicycle Pose Control and Motion Prediction for Optimal Sampling-Based Feedback Motion Planning
要約 非ホロノミックに拘束された移動ロボットや自律走行車の安全、スムーズ、最適な … 続きを読む
Custom Non-Linear Model Predictive Control for Obstacle Avoidance in Indoor and Outdoor Environments
要約 複雑な環境を航行するには、無人航空機(UAV)や自律システムがリアルタイム … 続きを読む