- TOFFE — Temporally-binned Object Flow from Events for High-speed and Energy-Efficient Object Detection and Tracking
- ELEGNT: Expressive and Functional Movement Design for Non-anthropomorphic Robot
- Tightly Coupled SLAM with Imprecise Architectural Plans
- LatentBKI: Open-Dictionary Continuous Mapping in Visual-Language Latent Spaces with Quantifiable Uncertainty
- Interaction Dataset of Autonomous Vehicles with Traffic Lights and Signs
表示できるコメントはありません。 cs.AI (32585) cs.CL (24637) cs.CR (2521) cs.CV (38784) cs.LG (37457) cs.RO (18976) cs.SY (2901) eess.IV (4651) eess.SY (2895) stat.ML (4943)
A Newton-CG based barrier-augmented Lagrangian method for general nonconvex conic optimization
要約 この論文では、非線形等式制約と凸円錐制約の対象となる 2 回微分可能関数を … 続きを読む
Restarts subject to approximate sharpness: A parameter-free and optimal scheme for first-order methods
要約 シャープネスとは、連続最適化におけるほぼ一般的な仮定で、目的関数の準最適化 … 続きを読む