- ManipTrans: Efficient Dexterous Bimanual Manipulation Transfer via Residual Learning
- Multimodal Object Detection using Depth and Image Data for Manufacturing Parts
- Data-Agnostic Robotic Long-Horizon Manipulation with Vision-Language-Guided Closed-Loop Feedback
- Pretrained Bayesian Non-parametric Knowledge Prior in Robotic Long-Horizon Reinforcement Learning
- Bresa: Bio-inspired Reflexive Safe Reinforcement Learning for Contact-Rich Robotic Tasks
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Restless Bandits with Average Reward: Breaking the Uniform Global Attractor Assumption
要約 離散時間設定と連続時間設定の両方で、平均報酬基準を使用して無限地平線の落ち … 続きを読む
A Fisher-Rao gradient flow for entropy-regularised Markov decision processes in Polish spaces
要約 我々は、ポーランドの状態と行動空間を用いた無限地平線エントロピー正則化マル … 続きを読む