- Adaptive Target Localization under Uncertainty using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning with Knowledge Transfer
- Factor Graph-Based Active SLAM for Spacecraft Proximity Operations
- VIEW: Visual Imitation Learning with Waypoints
- Front Hair Styling Robot System Using Path Planning for Root-Centric Strand Adjustment
- Audio Array-Based 3D UAV Trajectory Estimation with LiDAR Pseudo-Labeling
表示できるコメントはありません。 cs.AI (32521) cs.CL (24587) cs.CR (2516) cs.CV (38727) cs.LG (37397) cs.RO (18958) cs.SY (2900) eess.IV (4641) eess.SY (2894) stat.ML (4935)
A Staged Deep Learning Approach to Spatial Refinement in 3D Temporal Atmospheric Transport
要約 高解像度の時空間シミュレーションは、複雑な地形における大気プルームの分散の … 続きを読む
Optimal Transport-Based Displacement Interpolation with Data Augmentation for Reduced Order Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
要約 最適輸送 (OT) 理論と変位補間を活用して、複雑なシステムにおける非線形 … 続きを読む