- Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation through Gaussian Mixture Models
- Mutation-Guided LLM-based Test Generation at Meta
- As Confidence Aligns: Exploring the Effect of AI Confidence on Human Self-confidence in Human-AI Decision Making
- Drone Carrier: An Integrated Unmanned Surface Vehicle for Autonomous Inspection and Intervention in GNSS-Denied Maritime Environment
- Long-Form Text-to-Music Generation with Adaptive Prompts: A Case of Study in Tabletop Role-Playing Games Soundtracks
表示できるコメントはありません。 cs.AI (32567) cs.CL (24598) cs.CR (2518) cs.CV (38780) cs.LG (37426) cs.RO (18960) cs.SY (2901) eess.IV (4651) eess.SY (2895) stat.ML (4937)
Gaussian Splatting to Real World Flight Navigation Transfer with Liquid Networks
要約 シミュレーターは、スケーラブルなデータ生成、柔軟な設計、軌道の最適化を提供 … 続きを読む
AI-Powered Augmented Reality for Satellite Assembly, Integration and Test
要約 人工知能 (AI) と拡張現実 (AR) の統合により、精度が向上し、人的 … 続きを読む