- Humanoid Locomotion and Manipulation: Current Progress and Challenges in Control, Planning, and Learning
- How do Humans take an Object from a Robot: Behavior changes observed in a User Study
- Attribute-Based Robotic Grasping with Data-Efficient Adaptation
- ROLO-SLAM: Rotation-Optimized LiDAR-Only SLAM in Uneven Terrain with Ground Vehicle
- History-Aware Planning for Risk-free Autonomous Navigation on Unknown Uneven Terrain
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Multi-State TD Target for Model-Free Reinforcement Learning
要約 時間差分 (TD) 学習は、TD ターゲットを使用して状態または状態とアク … 続きを読む
カテゴリー: 68T05(Primary), cs.AI, cs.LG
Multi-State TD Target for Model-Free Reinforcement Learning はコメントを受け付けていません