- Human2Robot: Learning Robot Actions from Paired Human-Robot Videos
- Co-MTP: A Cooperative Trajectory Prediction Framework with Multi-Temporal Fusion for Autonomous Driving
- Improving Monocular Visual-Inertial Initialization with Structureless Visual-Inertial Bundle Adjustment
- MetaSym: A Symplectic Meta-learning Framework for Physical Intelligence
- Phase-Independent Dynamic Movement Primitives With Applications to Human-Robot Co-manipulation and Time Optimal Planning
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「68P20 (Primary)」カテゴリーアーカイブ
Discovery and Recognition of Formula Concepts using Machine Learning
要約 科学文献の引用に基づく情報検索(IR)手法は、多くの文献を使用する学術分野 … 続きを読む
カテゴリー: 68P20 (Primary), 68T50, cs.IR, cs.LG, I.2.7
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