- Non-Gaited Legged Locomotion with Monte-Carlo Tree Search and Supervised Learning
- Agricultural Industry Initiatives on Autonomy: How collaborative initiatives of VDMA and AEF can facilitate complexity in domain crossing harmonization needs
- Physics-Grounded Differentiable Simulation for Soft Growing Robots
- SLIM: Sim-to-Real Legged Instructive Manipulation via Long-Horizon Visuomotor Learning
- Online Trajectory Replanner for Dynamically Grasping Irregular Objects
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Learning the boundary-to-domain mapping using Lifting Product Fourier Neural Operators for partial differential equations
要約 フーリエ ニューラル演算子 (FNO) などのニューラル演算子は、関数空間 … 続きを読む
Learning the boundary-to-domain mapping using Lifting Product Fourier Neural Operators for partial differential equations
要約 フーリエ ニューラル演算子 (FNO) などのニューラル演算子は、関数空間 … 続きを読む
GAS: A Gaussian Mixture Distribution-Based Adaptive Sampling Method for PINNs
要約 【タイトル】PINNのためのガウス混合分布に基づく適応サンプリング手法であ … 続きを読む
カテゴリー: 65N99, 68T07, cs.LG, physics.comp-ph
GAS: A Gaussian Mixture Distribution-Based Adaptive Sampling Method for PINNs はコメントを受け付けていません