- Non-Gaited Legged Locomotion with Monte-Carlo Tree Search and Supervised Learning
- Agricultural Industry Initiatives on Autonomy: How collaborative initiatives of VDMA and AEF can facilitate complexity in domain crossing harmonization needs
- Physics-Grounded Differentiable Simulation for Soft Growing Robots
- SLIM: Sim-to-Real Legged Instructive Manipulation via Long-Horizon Visuomotor Learning
- Online Trajectory Replanner for Dynamically Grasping Irregular Objects
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Multigrid-Augmented Deep Learning Preconditioners for the Helmholtz Equation using Compact Implicit Layers
要約 我々は、高波数に対する離散不均一ヘルムホルツ方程式を解くための深層学習ベー … 続きを読む
Multigrid-Augmented Deep Learning Preconditioners for the Helmholtz Equation using Compact Implicit Layers
要約 我々は、高波数に対する離散不均一ヘルムホルツ方程式を解くための深層学習ベー … 続きを読む
Machine learning and domain decomposition methods — a survey
要約 ブラックボックス機械学習手法と、従来の数値手法の経験および多様な応用分野の … 続きを読む
Improving Pseudo-Time Stepping Convergence for CFD Simulations With Neural Networks
要約 ナビエ・ストークス方程式で記述される粘性流体の数値流体力学 (CFD) シ … 続きを読む
A Deep Learning algorithm to accelerate Algebraic Multigrid methods in Finite Element solvers of 3D elliptic PDEs
要約 タイトル:3D楕円PDEの有限要素ソルバーの代数多重格子法を加速させる深層 … 続きを読む