- A Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Framework for Multi-UAV Combat Using Leader-Follower Strategy
- A 65 nm Bayesian Neural Network Accelerator with 360 fJ/Sample In-Word GRNG for AI Uncertainty Estimation
- Map Prediction and Generative Entropy for Multi-Agent Exploration
- Polyhedral Collision Detection via Vertex Enumeration
- Safe and Efficient Robot Action Planning in the Presence of Unconcerned Humans
表示できるコメントはありません。 cs.AI (32657) cs.CL (24688) cs.CR (2523) cs.CV (38845) cs.LG (37527) cs.RO (19009) cs.SY (2906) eess.IV (4656) eess.SY (2900) stat.ML (4944)
Enhancing training of physics-informed neural networks using domain-decomposition based preconditioning strategies
要約 私たちは、物理情報に基づいたニューラル ネットワーク (PINN) のトレ … 続きを読む
Multilevel Objective-Function-Free Optimization with an Application to Neural Networks Training
要約 目的関数の評価を必要としない、制約のない非線形最適化のためのマルチレベル … 続きを読む