- Adaptive Target Localization under Uncertainty using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning with Knowledge Transfer
- Factor Graph-Based Active SLAM for Spacecraft Proximity Operations
- VIEW: Visual Imitation Learning with Waypoints
- Front Hair Styling Robot System Using Path Planning for Root-Centric Strand Adjustment
- Audio Array-Based 3D UAV Trajectory Estimation with LiDAR Pseudo-Labeling
表示できるコメントはありません。 cs.AI (32521) cs.CL (24587) cs.CR (2516) cs.CV (38727) cs.LG (37397) cs.RO (18958) cs.SY (2900) eess.IV (4641) eess.SY (2894) stat.ML (4935)
Are causal effect estimations enough for optimal recommendations under multitreatment scenarios?
要約 治療法の選択を決定する際には、因果効果推定分析を含めて、さまざまな治療法ま … 続きを読む
Bayesian CART models for insurance claims frequency
要約 損害保険のプライシング・モデルの精度と解釈可能性は、保険契約者のリスクを反 … 続きを読む