- TOFFE — Temporally-binned Object Flow from Events for High-speed and Energy-Efficient Object Detection and Tracking
- ELEGNT: Expressive and Functional Movement Design for Non-anthropomorphic Robot
- Tightly Coupled SLAM with Imprecise Architectural Plans
- LatentBKI: Open-Dictionary Continuous Mapping in Visual-Language Latent Spaces with Quantifiable Uncertainty
- Interaction Dataset of Autonomous Vehicles with Traffic Lights and Signs
表示できるコメントはありません。 cs.AI (32585) cs.CL (24637) cs.CR (2521) cs.CV (38784) cs.LG (37457) cs.RO (18976) cs.SY (2901) eess.IV (4651) eess.SY (2895) stat.ML (4943)
Risk-reducing design and operations toolkit: 90 strategies for managing risk and uncertainty in decision problems
要約 不確実性は意思決定分析における広範な課題であり、意思決定理論では、確率モデ … 続きを読む
Lossless Transformations and Excess Risk Bounds in Statistical Inference
要約 統計的推論における超過最小リスクを研究します。これは、観測された特徴ベクト … 続きを読む