- Non-Gaited Legged Locomotion with Monte-Carlo Tree Search and Supervised Learning
- Agricultural Industry Initiatives on Autonomy: How collaborative initiatives of VDMA and AEF can facilitate complexity in domain crossing harmonization needs
- Physics-Grounded Differentiable Simulation for Soft Growing Robots
- SLIM: Sim-to-Real Legged Instructive Manipulation via Long-Horizon Visuomotor Learning
- Online Trajectory Replanner for Dynamically Grasping Irregular Objects
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GeoPos: A Minimal Positional Encoding for Enhanced Fine-Grained Details in Image Synthesis Using Convolutional Neural Networks
要約 人間の手や指に存在するような複雑な幾何学的特徴を画像生成モデルが再現できな … 続きを読む