- ManipTrans: Efficient Dexterous Bimanual Manipulation Transfer via Residual Learning
- Multimodal Object Detection using Depth and Image Data for Manufacturing Parts
- Data-Agnostic Robotic Long-Horizon Manipulation with Vision-Language-Guided Closed-Loop Feedback
- Pretrained Bayesian Non-parametric Knowledge Prior in Robotic Long-Horizon Reinforcement Learning
- Bresa: Bio-inspired Reflexive Safe Reinforcement Learning for Contact-Rich Robotic Tasks
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Inverse Design with Dynamic Mode Decomposition
要約 科学と工学における逆設計の自動化のための計算効率的な方法を導入します。 単 … 続きを読む
Optimal Transport-Based Displacement Interpolation with Data Augmentation for Reduced Order Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
要約 最適輸送 (OT) 理論と変位補間を活用して、複雑なシステムにおける非線形 … 続きを読む