- ManipTrans: Efficient Dexterous Bimanual Manipulation Transfer via Residual Learning
- Multimodal Object Detection using Depth and Image Data for Manufacturing Parts
- Data-Agnostic Robotic Long-Horizon Manipulation with Vision-Language-Guided Closed-Loop Feedback
- Pretrained Bayesian Non-parametric Knowledge Prior in Robotic Long-Horizon Reinforcement Learning
- Bresa: Bio-inspired Reflexive Safe Reinforcement Learning for Contact-Rich Robotic Tasks
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Parallel transport on matrix manifolds and Exponential Action
要約 行列の指数関数と指数作用の観点から、疑似リーマン計量のファミリーを使用して … 続きを読む
New Solutions Based on the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem for the Data Collaboration Analysis
要約 近年、さまざまな機関にまたがるデータの蓄積により、機密情報を保護しながら複 … 続きを読む
A Note on Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm for Solving Doubly-Noisy Linear Systems
要約 大規模な線形システム $Ax=b$ は実際に頻繁に発生し、効果的な反復ソル … 続きを読む