- The Spinning Blimp: Design and Control of a Novel Minimalist Aerial Vehicle Leveraging Rotational Dynamics and Locomotion
- Dur360BEV: A Real-world 360-degree Single Camera Dataset and Benchmark for Bird-Eye View Mapping in Autonomous Driving
- GAGrasp: Geometric Algebra Diffusion for Dexterous Grasping
- DVM-SLAM: Decentralized Visual Monocular Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Multi-Agent Systems
- Real-time Spatial-temporal Traversability Assessment via Feature-based Sparse Gaussian Process
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Randomness, exchangeability, and conformal prediction
要約 このホワイトペーパーでは、ランダム性の機能理論の発達、不特定の添加剤定数を … 続きを読む
Sparse Implementation of Versatile Graph-Informed Layers
要約 グラフ ニューラル ネットワーク (GNN) は、グラフ構造データに関する … 続きを読む
Graph-Informed Neural Networks for Sparse Grid-Based Discontinuity Detectors
要約 この論文では、不連続関数の不連続界面を検出するための新しいアプローチを紹介 … 続きを読む