COS(M+O)S: Curiosity and RL-Enhanced MCTS for Exploring Story Space via Language Models


GPT-4O評価はさらに、COS(M+O)がLlama 3.2 3bから0.59 SDから素朴なシングルパスデコードを上回り、Llama 3.1 70bの0.06 SD以内にあることを示しています(有意差はありません、p = 0.93)。
O1 Place COS(M+O)S 1.5 SDと3Bベースラインの1.5 SDとのペアワイズ比較は、70Bから統計的に有意なギャップを見つけません。


We present COS(M+O)S, a System 2-inspired framework for open-ended plot development that systematically explores the vast space of possible story expansions, enabling a 3B-parameter language model to approach the plot quality of a 70B model on select short-story tasks. The method accomplishes this by combining Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), guided by a step-level value model that rewards moderate surprisal (curiosity) while penalizing incoherence, and Odds Ratio Preference Optimization (ORPO) to fine-tune the policy on high-value plot expansions. This iterative reinforcement learning loop systematically explores multiple candidate plot branches, backpropagates quality signals, and adapts the policy for faster convergence, notably shifting the policy from puzzle-based Chain-of-Thought to more character-driven storytelling. In small-scale tests with short-story prompts, 67%-77% of participants favored COS(M+O)S’s highest-rated expansions over lower-rated ones, suggesting that our learned value function aligns. GPT-4o ratings further show that COS(M+O)S surpasses naive single-pass decoding from Llama 3.2 3B by 0.59 SD, coming within 0.06 SD of Llama 3.1 70B (no significant difference, p=0.93). Pairwise comparisons with o1 place COS(M+O)S 1.5 SD above the 3B baseline and find no statistically significant gap from 70B. Nevertheless, absolute story quality remains modest, constrained by the small model’s capacity and limited training data.


著者 Tobias Materzok
発行日 2025-01-28 17:44:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク