Ultra-high resolution multimodal MRI dense labelled holistic brain atlas


このATLAは、Human Connectomeプロジェクトデータベースから75人の健康な被験者の画像とセグメンテーションを平均化して構築されています。
具体的には、T1、T2、およびWMNのMR画像(白質がnulした)は、ATLAを構築するために対称的なグループごとの正規化を使用して非線形に登録および平均化された0.125 $ mm^{3} $解像度でコントラストをコントラストします。


In this paper, we introduce holiAtlas, a holistic, multimodal and high-resolution human brain atlas. This atlas covers different levels of details of the human brain anatomy, from the organ to the substructure level, using a new dense labelled protocol generated from the fusion of multiple local protocols at different scales. This atlas has been constructed averaging images and segmentations of 75 healthy subjects from the Human Connectome Project database. Specifically, MR images of T1, T2 and WMn (White Matter nulled) contrasts at 0.125 $mm^{3}$ resolution that were nonlinearly registered and averaged using symmetric group-wise normalisation to construct the atlas. At the finest level, the holiAtlas protocol has 350 different labels derived from 10 different delineation protocols. These labels were grouped at different scales to provide a holistic view of the brain at different levels in a coherent and consistent manner. This multiscale and multimodal atlas can be used for the development of new ultra-high resolution segmentation methods that can potentially leverage the early detection of neurological disorders.


著者 José V. Manjón,Sergio Morell-Ortega,Marina Ruiz-Perez,Boris Mansencal,Edern Le Bot,Marien Gadea,Enrique Lanuza,Gwenaelle Catheline,Thomas Tourdias,Vincent Planche,Rémi Giraud,Denis Rivière,Jean-François Mangin,Nicole Labra-Avila,Roberto Vivo-Hernando,Gregorio Rubio,Fernando Aparici,Maria de la Iglesia-Vaya,Pierrick Coupé
発行日 2025-01-28 12:06:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク