(2)順序付けられていないセットとして時間の経過とともに保存されるDNA \ textIT {strands}としてシーケンスを合成する。
(3)DNA鎖をシーケンスしてDNA \ textIT {reads}を生成します。
具体的には、読み取りは最初の\ textit {クラスター化}は、同じ鎖から発生する可能性のあるグループ(互いに類似性に基づいて)になり、各グループはそのグループの読み取りにつながった鎖に近似します。
、\ textit {Basecalling}として知られるプロセス。これは、深いニューラルネットワークを使用して行われます。
The emerging field of DNA storage employs strands of DNA bases (A/T/C/G) as a storage medium for digital information to enable massive density and durability. The DNA storage pipeline includes: (1) encoding the raw data into sequences of DNA bases; (2) synthesizing the sequences as DNA \textit{strands} that are stored over time as an unordered set; (3) sequencing the DNA strands to generate DNA \textit{reads}; and (4) deducing the original data. The DNA synthesis and sequencing stages each generate several independent error-prone duplicates of each strand which are then utilized in the final stage to reconstruct the best estimate for the original strand. Specifically, the reads are first \textit{clustered} into groups likely originating from the same strand (based on their similarity to each other), and then each group approximates the strand that led to the reads of that group. This work improves the DNA clustering stage by embedding it as part of the DNA sequencing. Traditional DNA storage solutions begin after the DNA sequencing process generates discrete DNA reads (A/T/C/G), yet we identify that there is untapped potential in using the raw signals generated by the Nanopore DNA sequencing machine before they are discretized into bases, a process known as \textit{basecalling}, which is done using a deep neural network. We propose a deep neural network that clusters these signals directly, demonstrating superior accuracy, and reduced computation times compared to current approaches that cluster after basecalling.
著者 | Hadas Abraham,Barak Gahtan,Adir Kobovich,Orian Leitersdorf,Alex M. Bronstein,Eitan Yaakobi |
発行日 | 2025-01-27 16:32:53+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google