Adaptive Iterative Compression for High-Resolution Files: an Approach Focused on Preserving Visual Quality in Cinematic Workflows


このモデルは、SSIMおよびPSNRメトリックを使用して、3つの構成(C0、C1、C2)にわたって圧縮パラメーターを動的に調整し、高い視覚忠実度を維持しながら最大83.4%の貯蔵削減を達成します(SSIM> 0.95)。


This study presents an iterative adaptive compression model for high-resolution DPX-derived TIFF files used in cinematographic workflows and digital preservation. The model employs SSIM and PSNR metrics to dynamically adjust compression parameters across three configurations (C0, C1, C2), achieving storage reductions up to 83.4 % while maintaining high visual fidelity (SSIM > 0.95). Validation across three diverse productions – black and white classic, soft-palette drama, and complex action film – demonstrated the method’s effectiveness in preserving critical visual elements while significantly reducing storage requirements. Professional evaluators reported 90% acceptance rate for the optimal C1 configuration, with artifacts remaining below perceptual threshold in critical areas. Comparative analysis with JPEG2000 and H.265 showed superior quality preservation at equivalent compression rates, particularly for high bit-depth content. While requiring additional computational overhead, the method’s storage benefits and quality control capabilities make it suitable for professional workflows, with potential applications in medical imaging and cloud storage optimization.


著者 Leonardo Melo,Filipe Litaiff
発行日 2025-01-27 18:55:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.ET, cs.LG, cs.PF パーマリンク