Robust Representation Consistency Model via Contrastive Denoising


ディープ ニューラル ネットワーク、特にセキュリティが重要なアプリケーションでは、堅牢性が不可欠です。
これに対処するために、ピクセル空間の拡散軌跡に沿った生成モデリング タスクを潜在空間の識別タスクとして再定式化します。
たとえば、私たちの方法は、すべての摂動半径にわたって ImageNet 上の拡散ベースの方法の認定精度を平均 5.3% 上回り、より大きな半径では最大 11.6% 優れており、同時に推論コストを平均 85$\times$ 削減します。
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Robustness is essential for deep neural networks, especially in security-sensitive applications. To this end, randomized smoothing provides theoretical guarantees for certifying robustness against adversarial perturbations. Recently, diffusion models have been successfully employed for randomized smoothing to purify noise-perturbed samples before making predictions with a standard classifier. While these methods excel at small perturbation radii, they struggle with larger perturbations and incur a significant computational overhead during inference compared to classical methods. To address this, we reformulate the generative modeling task along the diffusion trajectories in pixel space as a discriminative task in the latent space. Specifically, we use instance discrimination to achieve consistent representations along the trajectories by aligning temporally adjacent points. After fine-tuning based on the learned representations, our model enables implicit denoising-then-classification via a single prediction, substantially reducing inference costs. We conduct extensive experiments on various datasets and achieve state-of-the-art performance with minimal computation budget during inference. For example, our method outperforms the certified accuracy of diffusion-based methods on ImageNet across all perturbation radii by 5.3% on average, with up to 11.6% at larger radii, while reducing inference costs by 85$\times$ on average. Codes are available at:


著者 Jiachen Lei,Julius Berner,Jiongxiao Wang,Zhongzhu Chen,Zhongjia Ba,Kui Ren,Jun Zhu,Anima Anandkumar
発行日 2025-01-22 18:52:06+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク