mmCooper: A Multi-agent Multi-stage Communication-efficient and Collaboration-robust Cooperative Perception Framework


これらの問題に対処するために、私たちは、新しいマルチエージェント、マルチステージ、通信効率が高く、コラボレーションに強い協力的認識フレームワークである mmCooper を提案します。
私たちは、現実世界のデータセットとシミュレートされたデータセットに対する広範な実験を通じて mmCooper の有効性を検証します。


Collaborative perception significantly enhances individual vehicle perception performance through the exchange of sensory information among agents. However, real-world deployment faces challenges due to bandwidth constraints and inevitable calibration errors during information exchange. To address these issues, we propose mmCooper, a novel multi-agent, multi-stage, communication-efficient, and collaboration-robust cooperative perception framework. Our framework leverages a multi-stage collaboration strategy that dynamically and adaptively balances intermediate- and late-stage information to share among agents, enhancing perceptual performance while maintaining communication efficiency. To support robust collaboration despite potential misalignments and calibration errors, our framework captures multi-scale contextual information for robust fusion in the intermediate stage and calibrates the received detection results to improve accuracy in the late stage. We validate the effectiveness of mmCooper through extensive experiments on real-world and simulated datasets. The results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed framework and the effectiveness of each component.


著者 Bingyi Liu,Jian Teng,Hongfei Xue,Enshu Wang,Chuanhui Zhu,Pu Wang,Libing Wu
発行日 2025-01-21 16:34:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク