A Comprehensive Insights into Drones: History, Classification, Architecture, Navigation, Applications, Challenges, and Future Trends


一般にドローンとして知られる無人航空機 (UAV) は、21 世紀で最も革新的なテクノロジーの 1 つです。
この文書では、歴史、分類、アーキテクチャ、ナビゲーション システム、およびその分岐したアクティビティについて説明しました。


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as Drones, are one of 21st century most transformative technologies. Emerging first for military use, advancements in materials, electronics, and software have catapulted drones into multipurpose tools for a wide range of industries. In this paper, we have covered the history, taxonomy, architecture, navigation systems and branched activities for the same. It explores important future trends like autonomous navigation, AI integration, and obstacle avoidance systems, emphasizing how they contribute to improving the efficiency and versatility of drones. It also looks at the major challenges like technical, environmental, economic, regulatory and ethical, that limit the actual take-up of drones, as well as trends that are likely to mitigate these obstacles in the future. This work offers a structured synthesis of existing studies and perspectives that enable insights about how drones will transform agriculture, logistics, healthcare, disaster management, and other areas, while also identifying new opportunities for innovation and development.


著者 Ruchita Singh,Sandeep Kumar
発行日 2025-01-17 09:37:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.IT, cs.RO, math.IT パーマリンク