Unified Face Matching and Physical-Digital Spoofing Attack Detection


これらの課題に対応するため、このホワイト ペーパーでは、顔認識と物理的およびデジタル攻撃の検出のために設計された革新的な統合モデルを紹介します。
高度な Swin Transformer バックボーンを活用し、畳み込みニューラル ネットワーク フレームワークに HiLo アテンションを組み込むことで、統合された顔認識となりすまし攻撃の検出により効果的に対処します。
さらに、物理的およびデジタル スプーフィング キューの特性を再現する拡張技術を導入し、モデルの堅牢性を大幅に強化します。


Face recognition technology has dramatically transformed the landscape of security, surveillance, and authentication systems, offering a user-friendly and non-invasive biometric solution. However, despite its significant advantages, face recognition systems face increasing threats from physical and digital spoofing attacks. Current research typically treats face recognition and attack detection as distinct classification challenges. This approach necessitates the implementation of separate models for each task, leading to considerable computational complexity, particularly on devices with limited resources. Such inefficiencies can stifle scalability and hinder performance. In response to these challenges, this paper introduces an innovative unified model designed for face recognition and detection of physical and digital attacks. By leveraging the advanced Swin Transformer backbone and incorporating HiLo attention in a convolutional neural network framework, we address unified face recognition and spoof attack detection more effectively. Moreover, we introduce augmentation techniques that replicate the traits of physical and digital spoofing cues, significantly enhancing our model robustness. Through comprehensive experimental evaluation across various datasets, we showcase the effectiveness of our model in unified face recognition and spoof detection. Additionally, we confirm its resilience against unseen physical and digital spoofing attacks, underscoring its potential for real-world applications.


著者 Arun Kunwar,Ajita Rattani
発行日 2025-01-16 16:24:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク