PAC Learnability of Scenario Decision-Making Algorithms: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions


我々は、シナリオ意思決定アルゴリズムの PAC 特性、つまり、安全制約の十分な数の実現 (シナリオと呼ばれる) がサンプリングされた場合に、未知の安全制約に違反するリスクが任意に低い決定を下す能力を研究します。
関連する分類器の VC 次元の有限性や圧縮スキームの存在など、シナリオ意思決定アルゴリズムが PAC となるための十分な条件は文献で入手できます。
最後に、VC 次元といわゆるノーフリーランチ定理にヒントを得て、シナリオ意思決定アルゴリズムが PAC となるための必要条件を導出します。


We study the PAC property of scenario decision-making algorithms, that is, the ability to make a decision that has an arbitrarily low risk of violating an unknown safety constraint, provided sufficiently many realizations (called scenarios) of the safety constraint are sampled. Sufficient conditions for scenario decision-making algorithms to be PAC are available in the literature, such as finiteness of the VC dimension of its associated classifier and existence of a compression scheme. We study the question of whether these sufficient conditions are also necessary. We show with counterexamples that this is not the case in general. This contrasts with binary classification learning, for which the analogous conditions are sufficient and necessary. Popular scenario decision-making algorithms, such as scenario optimization, enjoy additional properties, such as stability and consistency. We show that even under these additional assumptions the above conclusions hold. Finally, we derive a necessary condition for scenario decision-making algorithms to be PAC, inspired by the VC dimension and the so-called no-free-lunch theorem.


著者 Guillaume O. Berger,Raphaël M. Jungers
発行日 2025-01-15 15:57:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.OC パーマリンク