Empowering Agricultural Insights: RiceLeafBD – A Novel Dataset and Optimal Model Selection for Rice Leaf Disease Diagnosis through Transfer Learning Technique


バングラデシュは農業にとって重要な作物としてコメ(Oryza sativa)に依存していますが、一般的な病気によってコメの収量が減少し続けているため、重大な問題に直面しています。
私たちは軽量 CNN モデルと事前トレーニング済みの InceptionNet-V2、EfficientNet-V2、MobileNet-V2 モデルを適用し、この作業の EfficientNet-V2 モデルで 91.5% のパフォーマンスを達成しました。


The number of people living in this agricultural nation of ours, which is surrounded by lush greenery, is growing on a daily basis. As a result of this, the level of arable land is decreasing, as well as residential houses and industrial factories. The food crisis is becoming the main threat for us in the upcoming days. Because on the one hand, the population is increasing, and on the other hand, the amount of food crop production is decreasing due to the attack of diseases. Rice is one of the most significant cultivated crops since it provides food for more than half of the world’s population. Bangladesh is dependent on rice (Oryza sativa) as a vital crop for its agriculture, but it faces a significant problem as a result of the ongoing decline in rice yield brought on by common diseases. Early disease detection is the main difficulty in rice crop cultivation. In this paper, we proposed our own dataset, which was collected from the Bangladesh field, and also applied deep learning and transfer learning models for the evaluation of the datasets. We elaborately explain our dataset and also give direction for further research work to serve society using this dataset. We applied a light CNN model and pre-trained InceptionNet-V2, EfficientNet-V2, and MobileNet-V2 models, which achieved 91.5% performance for the EfficientNet-V2 model of this work. The results obtained assaulted other models and even exceeded approaches that are considered to be part of the state of the art. It has been demonstrated by this study that it is possible to precisely and effectively identify diseases that affect rice leaves using this unbiased datasets. After analysis of the performance of different models, the proposed datasets are significant for the society for research work to provide solutions for decreasing rice leaf disease.


著者 Sadia Afrin Rimi,Md. Jalal Uddin Chowdhury,Rifat Abdullah,Iftekhar Ahmed,Mahrima Akter Mim,Mohammad Shoaib Rahman
発行日 2025-01-15 16:20:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク