On the Limit Performance of Floating Gossip


継続的な学習が必要な動的シナリオを検討し、メイン システム パラメータの関数として、ユーザーがモデルに組み込むことができるデータ量の観点から Floating Gossip の限界パフォーマンスを調査する平均場アプローチを採用します。


In this paper we investigate the limit performance of Floating Gossip, a new, fully distributed Gossip Learning scheme which relies on Floating Content to implement location-based probabilistic evolution of machine learning models in an infrastructure-less manner. We consider dynamic scenarios where continuous learning is necessary, and we adopt a mean field approach to investigate the limit performance of Floating Gossip in terms of amount of data that users can incorporate into their models, as a function of the main system parameters. Different from existing approaches in which either communication or computing aspects of Gossip Learning are analyzed and optimized, our approach accounts for the compound impact of both aspects. We validate our results through detailed simulations, proving good accuracy. Our model shows that Floating Gossip can be very effective in implementing continuous training and update of machine learning models in a cooperative manner, based on opportunistic exchanges among moving users.


著者 Gianluca Rizzo,Noelia Perez Palma,Marco Ajmone Marsan,Vincenzo Mancuso
発行日 2023-02-16 16:42:38+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク