この論文では、この試行錯誤プロセスを回避するために、報酬としての制約 (CaR) の概念を提案します。
CaR は、報酬関数の代わりに複数の制約関数を使用してタスクの目標を定式化し、ラグランジュ法を使用して制約付きの強化学習問題を解きます。
提案手法を 6 輪伸縮脚ロボットの立ち上がり動作生成タスクに適用し、手動で設計した報酬関数を使用して学習するのは困難であるにもかかわらず、提案手法が目標行動を首尾よく獲得できることを示します。
Reinforcement learning has become an essential algorithm for generating complex robotic behaviors. However, to learn such behaviors, it is necessary to design a reward function that describes the task, which often consists of multiple objectives that needs to be balanced. This tuning process is known as reward engineering and typically involves extensive trial-and-error. In this paper, to avoid this trial-and-error process, we propose the concept of Constraints as Rewards (CaR). CaR formulates the task objective using multiple constraint functions instead of a reward function and solves a reinforcement learning problem with constraints using the Lagrangian-method. By adopting this approach, different objectives are automatically balanced, because Lagrange multipliers serves as the weights among the objectives. In addition, we will demonstrate that constraints, expressed as inequalities, provide an intuitive interpretation of the optimization target designed for the task. We apply the proposed method to the standing-up motion generation task of a six-wheeled-telescopic-legged robot and demonstrate that the proposed method successfully acquires the target behavior, even though it is challenging to learn with manually designed reward functions.
著者 | Yu Ishihara,Noriaki Takasugi,Kotaro Kawakami,Masaya Kinoshita,Kazumi Aoyama |
発行日 | 2025-01-08 01:59:47+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google