Cyber-Physical Steganography in Robotic Motion Control


概念実証として、汎用的なマルチモーダル ポリシーを備えたロボットの実施形態を組み込んだ、さまざまな操作タスクにわたる模擬環境での実験を実施します。


Steganography, the art of information hiding, has continually evolved across visual, auditory and linguistic domains, adapting to the ceaseless interplay between steganographic concealment and steganalytic revelation. This study seeks to extend the horizons of what constitutes a viable steganographic medium by introducing a steganographic paradigm in robotic motion control. Based on the observation of the robot’s inherent sensitivity to changes in its environment, we propose a methodology to encode messages as environmental stimuli influencing the motions of the robotic agent and to decode messages from the resulting motion trajectory. The constraints of maximal robot integrity and minimal motion deviation are established as fundamental principles underlying secrecy. As a proof of concept, we conduct experiments in simulated environments across various manipulation tasks, incorporating robotic embodiments equipped with generalist multimodal policies.


著者 Ching-Chun Chang,Yijie Lin,Isao Echizen
発行日 2025-01-08 14:44:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CR, cs.RO パーマリンク