Photoacoustic Iterative Optimization Algorithm with Shape Prior Regularization


光音響イメージング (PAI) には、ノイズ、アーティファクト、まばらなサンプリングや部分的なアレイ検出によって引き起こされる不完全なデータ収集など、再構成結果の品質を低下させる可能性がある固有の制限があります。
この研究では、形状優先による正則化反復法と呼ばれる、2 次元 (2D) と 3 次元 (3D) の両方の PAI 再構成結果に対する新しい最適化方法を提案しました。
形状事前分布は、遅延加算 (DAS) や逆投影 (BP) などの再構成アルゴリズムを使用した計算画像処理システムにおけるランダムな部分アレイ信号の複数のセットの再構成結果から導出される確率行列です。
事前の形状として、この確率行列は、元の再構成アルゴリズム (ランダムな部分アレイ信号を処理するための同じアルゴリズム) を使用したアレイ信号再構成結果全体の反復と正則化をガイドします。


Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) suffers from inherent limitations that can degrade the quality of reconstructed results, such as noise, artifacts and incomplete data acquisition caused by sparse sampling or partial array detection. In this study, we proposed a new optimization method for both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) PAI reconstruction results, called the regularized iteration method with shape prior. The shape prior is a probability matrix derived from the reconstruction results of multiple sets of random partial array signals in a computational imaging system using any reconstruction algorithm, such as Delay-and-Sum (DAS) and Back-Projection (BP). In the probability matrix, high-probability locations indicate high consistency among multiple reconstruction results at those positions, suggesting a high likelihood of representing the true imaging results. In contrast, low-probability locations indicate higher randomness, leaning more towards noise or artifacts. As a shape prior, this probability matrix guides the iteration and regularization of the entire array signal reconstruction results using the original reconstruction algorithm (the same algorithm for processing random partial array signals). The method takes advantage of the property that the similarity of the object to be imitated is higher than that of noise or artifact in the results reconstructed by multiple sets of random partial array signals of the entire imaging system. The probability matrix is taken as a prerequisite for improving the original reconstruction results, and the optimizer is used to further iterate the imaging results to remove noise and artifacts and improve the imaging fidelity. Especially in the case involving sparse view which brings more artifacts, the effect is remarkable. Simulation and real experiments have both demonstrated the superiority of this method.


著者 Yu Zhang,Shuang Li,Yibing Wang,Yu Sun,Wenyi Xiang
発行日 2025-01-02 05:43:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, physics.optics パーマリンク