AlignAb: Pareto-Optimal Energy Alignment for Designing Nature-Like Antibodies


抗体配列構造の共同設計に特化した深層学習モデルをトレーニングするための 3 段階のフレームワークを紹介します。
矛盾するエネルギー優先を緩和するために、AbDPO (Antibody Direct Preference Optimization) を拡張して、複数のエネルギーベースのアラインメント目標の下でモデルをパレート最適化に導きます。
さらに、温度スケーリングを備えた反復学習パラダイムを採用し、追加のデータを必要とせずにモデルが多様なオンライン データセットからメリットを享受できるようにします。


We present a three-stage framework for training deep learning models specializing in antibody sequence-structure co-design. We first pre-train a language model using millions of antibody sequence data. Then, we employ the learned representations to guide the training of a diffusion model for joint optimization over both sequence and structure of antibodies. During the final alignment stage, we optimize the model to favor antibodies with low repulsion and high attraction to the antigen binding site, enhancing the rationality and functionality of the designs. To mitigate conflicting energy preferences, we extend AbDPO (Antibody Direct Preference Optimization) to guide the model towards Pareto optimality under multiple energy-based alignment objectives. Furthermore, we adopt an iterative learning paradigm with temperature scaling, enabling the model to benefit from diverse online datasets without requiring additional data. In practice, our proposed methods achieve high stability and efficiency in producing a better Pareto front of antibody designs compared to top samples generated by baselines and previous alignment techniques. Through extensive experiments, we showcase the superior performance of our methods in generating nature-like antibodies with high binding affinity consistently.


著者 Yibo Wen,Chenwei Xu,Jerry Yao-Chieh Hu,Han Liu
発行日 2024-12-30 14:50:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク