Physically Guided Deep Unsupervised Inversion for 1D Magnetotelluric Models


磁気地テル法 (MT) 法はこれらの作業に不可欠であり、数百から数千メートルの範囲の深さにおける地下の電気抵抗率の分布に関する重要な情報を提供します。
最近の進歩では、主に教師あり学習に基づいた MT 逆変換の深層学習アルゴリズムが組み込まれていますが、\paul{and} はトレーニング用に大規模なラベル付きデータセットを必要とします。
この作業では、TensorFlow 操作を利用して微分可能な前方 MT 演算子を作成し、その自動微分機能を活用します。
さらに、古典的なアルゴリズムのように地下モデルを直接解く代わりに、この論文では、1D MT モデルを推定するための、物理学に基づいた新しい深い教師なし反転アルゴリズムを紹介します。
したがって、最適化 \paul{algorithm} はネットワークの重みを更新してデータの不適合を最小限に抑えます。


The global demand for unconventional energy sources such as geothermal energy and white hydrogen requires new exploration techniques for precise subsurface structure characterization and potential reservoir identification. The Magnetotelluric (MT) method is crucial for these tasks, providing critical information on the distribution of subsurface electrical resistivity at depths ranging from hundreds to thousands of meters. However, traditional iterative algorithm-based inversion methods require the adjustment of multiple parameters, demanding time-consuming and exhaustive tuning processes to achieve proper cost function minimization. Although recent advances have incorporated deep learning algorithms for MT inversion, primarily based on supervised learning, \paul{and} needs large labeled datasets for training. This work utilizes TensorFlow operations to create a differentiable forward MT operator, leveraging its automatic differentiation capability. Moreover, instead of solving for the subsurface model directly, as classical algorithms perform, this paper presents a new deep unsupervised inversion algorithm guided by physics to estimate 1D MT models. Instead of using datasets with the observed data and their respective model as labels during training, our method employs a differentiable modeling operator that physically guides the cost function minimization, making the proposed method solely dependent on observed data. Therefore, the optimization \paul{algorithm} updates the network weights to minimize the data misfit. We test the proposed method with field and synthetic data at different acquisition frequencies, demonstrating that the resistivity models obtained are more accurate than those calculated using other techniques.


著者 Paul Goyes-Peñafiel,Umair bin Waheed,Henry Arguello
発行日 2024-12-30 16:12:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG,, physics.geo-ph パーマリンク