ここでは、最新の機械学習 (ML) 手法を活用して、機能性電子材料における基本的な対称性の破れ段階の 1 つである電荷密度波 (CDW) の粗大化をシミュレートするための線形スケーリング アルゴリズムを実現します。
私たちの研究は、非平衡ダイナミクスにおける電子相関の役割について新たな洞察を提供し、相関電子系のマルチスケール動的モデリングを進歩させるための ML 力場アプローチの有望性を強調しています。
The phase ordering kinetics of emergent orders in correlated electron systems is a fundamental topic in non-equilibrium physics, yet it remains largely unexplored. The intricate interplay between quasiparticles and emergent order-parameter fields could lead to unusual coarsening dynamics that is beyond the standard theories. However, accurate treatment of both quasiparticles and collective degrees of freedom is a multi-scale challenge in dynamical simulations of correlated electrons. Here we leverage modern machine learning (ML) methods to achieve a linear-scaling algorithm for simulating the coarsening of charge density waves (CDWs), one of the fundamental symmetry breaking phases in functional electron materials. We demonstrate our approach on the square-lattice Hubbard-Holstein model and uncover an intriguing enhancement of CDW coarsening which is related to the screening of on-site potential by electron-electron interactions. Our study provides fresh insights into the role of electron correlations in non-equilibrium dynamics and underscores the promise of ML force-field approaches for advancing multi-scale dynamical modeling of correlated electron systems.
著者 | Yang Yang,Chen Cheng,Yunhao Fan,Gia-Wei Chern |
発行日 | 2024-12-30 16:44:11+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google