Embodied Footprints: A Safety-guaranteed Collision Avoidance Model for Numerical Optimization-based Trajectory Planning


数値最適化ベースの手法は、自動運転の一般的な軌道プランナーの 1 つです。
数値最適化ベースのプランナーでは、公称連続時間軌道計画問題が、有限の選点に課せられた有限の制約を持つ非線形プログラム (NLP) 問題に離散化されます。
有限のコロケーション ポイントで具現化されたボックスが衝突しないことを確認できれば、エゴ ビークルのフットプリントは、隣接するコロケーション ポイント間でいつでも衝突しません。


Numerical optimization-based methods are among the prevalent trajectory planners for autonomous driving. In a numerical optimization-based planner, the nominal continuous-time trajectory planning problem is discretized into a nonlinear program (NLP) problem with finite constraints imposed on finite collocation points. However, constraint violations between adjacent collocation points may still occur. This study proposes a safety-guaranteed collision-avoidance modeling method to eliminate the collision risks between adjacent collocation points in using numerical optimization-based trajectory planners. A new concept called embodied box is proposed, which is formed by enlarging the rectangular footprint of the ego vehicle. If one can ensure that the embodied boxes at finite collocation points are collide-free, then the ego vehicle’s footprint is collide-free at any a moment between adjacent collocation points. We find that the geometric size of an embodied box is a simple function of vehicle velocity and curvature. The proposed theory lays a foundation for numerical optimization-based trajectory planners in autonomous driving.


著者 Bai Li,Youmin Zhang,Tantan Zhang,Tankut Acarman,Yakun Ouyang,Li Li,Hairong Dong,Dongpu Cao
発行日 2023-02-15 12:32:00+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, math.OC パーマリンク