Asymmetrical Reciprocity-based Federated Learning for Resolving Disparities in Medical Diagnosis


フェデレーション ラーニングは、この目的のための有望なツールとして浮上しています。
これらの課題を克服するために、私たちは地理的な健康格差を軽減し、サービスが行き届いていない地域の診断機能を強化することを目的とした、FedHelp とい​​う名前の新しいサイロ間連携学習フレームワークを提案します。
具体的には、FedHelp は 1 回限りの API アクセスを通じて基本的なモデルの知識を活用し、サービスが十分に受けられていない小規模クライアントの学習プロセスをガイドし、データ不足の課題に対処します。
私たちは、医用画像分類タスクとセグメンテーション タスクの両方に関する広範な実験を通じて、FedHelp の有効性と有用性を検証しています。


Geographic health disparities pose a pressing global challenge, particularly in underserved regions of low- and middle-income nations. Addressing this issue requires a collaborative approach to enhance healthcare quality, leveraging support from medically more developed areas. Federated learning emerges as a promising tool for this purpose. However, the scarcity of medical data and limited computation resources in underserved regions make collaborative training of powerful machine learning models challenging. Furthermore, there exists an asymmetrical reciprocity between underserved and developed regions. To overcome these challenges, we propose a novel cross-silo federated learning framework, named FedHelp, aimed at alleviating geographic health disparities and fortifying the diagnostic capabilities of underserved regions. Specifically, FedHelp leverages foundational model knowledge via one-time API access to guide the learning process of underserved small clients, addressing the challenge of insufficient data. Additionally, we introduce a novel asymmetric dual knowledge distillation module to manage the issue of asymmetric reciprocity, facilitating the exchange of necessary knowledge between developed large clients and underserved small clients. We validate the effectiveness and utility of FedHelp through extensive experiments on both medical image classification and segmentation tasks. The experimental results demonstrate significant performance improvement compared to state-of-the-art baselines, particularly benefiting clients in underserved regions.


著者 Jiaqi Wang,Ziyi Yin,Quanzeng You,Lingjuan Lyu,Fenglong Ma
発行日 2024-12-27 13:59:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.DC, cs.LG パーマリンク