Asynchronous Training of Mixed-Role Human Actors in a Partially-Observable Environment


協力的なトレーニングでは、チーム内の人間が複雑なタスクに協力し、チームメイトのメンタル モデルを構築し、チームメイトの行動にリアルタイムで適応する方法を学習します。
提案された実験デザインのデモンストレーションを通じて、人間のチームメイトの代わりにロボットを利用する協力的な非同期トレーニング システムの開発における将来の研究のための要点と設計に関する推奨事項を提供します。


In cooperative training, humans within a team coordinate on complex tasks, building mental models of their teammates and learning to adapt to teammates’ actions in real-time. To reduce the often prohibitive scheduling constraints associated with cooperative training, this article introduces a paradigm for cooperative asynchronous training of human teams in which trainees practice coordination with autonomous teammates rather than humans. We introduce a novel experimental design for evaluating autonomous teammates for use as training partners in cooperative training. We apply the design to a human-subjects experiment where humans are trained with either another human or an autonomous teammate and are evaluated with a new human subject in a new, partially observable, cooperative game developed for this study. Importantly, we employ a method to cluster teammate trajectories from demonstrations performed in the experiment to form a smaller number of training conditions. This results in a simpler experiment design that enabled us to conduct a complex cooperative training human-subjects study in a reasonable amount of time. Through a demonstration of the proposed experimental design, we provide takeaways and design recommendations for future research in the development of cooperative asynchronous training systems utilizing robot surrogates for human teammates.


著者 Kimberlee Chestnut Chang,Reed Jensen,Rohan Paleja,Sam L. Polk,Rob Seater,Jackson Steilberg,Curran Schiefelbein,Melissa Scheldrup,Matthew Gombolay,Mabel D. Ramirez
発行日 2024-12-23 20:09:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.MA, cs.RO パーマリンク