Subsampling, aligning, and averaging to find circular coordinates in recurrent time series


次元 1 のコホモロジー クラスから単純複合体上に円座標を作成する手法が存在し、これらの手法は、次元 1 のコホモロジーに顕著なクラスがあるデータセットの Rips 複合体に適用できます。
拒否サンプリングを使用して不均一なサンプリングを補正し、Procrustes マッチングを適用してサブサンプルを位置合わせして平均します。


We introduce a new algorithm for finding robust circular coordinates on data that is expected to exhibit recurrence, such as that which appears in neuronal recordings of C. elegans. Techniques exist to create circular coordinates on a simplicial complex from a dimension 1 cohomology class, and these can be applied to the Rips complex of a dataset when it has a prominent class in its dimension 1 cohomology. However, it is known this approach is extremely sensitive to uneven sampling density. Our algorithm comes with a new method to correct for uneven sampling density, adapting our prior work on averaging coordinates in manifold learning. We use rejection sampling to correct for inhomogeneous sampling and then apply Procrustes matching to align and average the subsamples. In addition to providing a more robust coordinate than other approaches, this subsampling and averaging approach has better efficiency. We validate our technique on both synthetic data sets and neuronal activity recordings. Our results reveal a topological model of neuronal trajectories for C. elegans that is constructed from loops in which different regions of the brain state space can be mapped to specific and interpretable macroscopic behaviors in the worm.


著者 Andrew J. Blumberg,Mathieu Carrière,Jun Hou Fung,Michael A. Mandell
発行日 2024-12-24 15:52:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CG, cs.LG, math.AT, stat.ML パーマリンク