必要な文節の構造 — および意味上の制約 — 例:
3 つの異なる方法を比較します。(i) 専門家による手動生成。
(ii) 構文および意味情報の注釈が付けられたコーパスからのサンプリング。
(iii) 生成されたイベント記述の 3 つの次元 (a) 自然性、(b) 典型性、および (c) 独自性に沿った、構文および意味情報に基づいて条件付けされた言語モデル (LM) からのサンプリング。
With the goal of supporting scalable lexical semantic annotation, analysis, and theorizing, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of different methods for generating event descriptions under both syntactic constraints — e.g. desired clause structure — and semantic constraints — e.g. desired verb sense. We compare three different methods — (i) manual generation by experts; (ii) sampling from a corpus annotated for syntactic and semantic information; and (iii) sampling from a language model (LM) conditioned on syntactic and semantic information — along three dimensions of the generated event descriptions: (a) naturalness, (b) typicality, and (c) distinctiveness. We find that all methods reliably produce natural, typical, and distinctive event descriptions, but that manual generation continues to produce event descriptions that are more natural, typical, and distinctive than the automated generation methods. We conclude that the automated methods we consider produce event descriptions of sufficient quality for use in downstream annotation and analysis insofar as the methods used for this annotation and analysis are robust to a small amount of degradation in the resulting event descriptions.
著者 | Angela Cao,Faye Holt,Jonas Chan,Stephanie Richter,Lelia Glass,Aaron Steven White |
発行日 | 2024-12-24 15:28:41+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google