C2F-TP: A Coarse-to-Fine Denoising Framework for Uncertainty-Aware Trajectory Prediction


この問題に対処するために、不確実性を考慮した車両軌道予測のための粗いから細かいまでのノイズ除去フレームワークである C2F-TP を提案します。
C2F-TP は、革新的な 2 段階の粗い予測から細かい予測までのプロセスを備えています。
軌道予測に広く採用されている 2 つの実際のデータセット NGSIM と highD に対して広範な実験が行われています。


Accurately predicting the trajectory of vehicles is critically important for ensuring safety and reliability in autonomous driving. Although considerable research efforts have been made recently, the inherent trajectory uncertainty caused by various factors including the dynamic driving intends and the diverse driving scenarios still poses significant challenges to accurate trajectory prediction. To address this issue, we propose C2F-TP, a coarse-to-fine denoising framework for uncertainty-aware vehicle trajectory prediction. C2F-TP features an innovative two-stage coarse-to-fine prediction process. Specifically, in the spatial-temporal interaction stage, we propose a spatial-temporal interaction module to capture the inter-vehicle interactions and learn a multimodal trajectory distribution, from which a certain number of noisy trajectories are sampled. Next, in the trajectory refinement stage, we design a conditional denoising model to reduce the uncertainty of the sampled trajectories through a step-wise denoising operation. Extensive experiments are conducted on two real datasets NGSIM and highD that are widely adopted in trajectory prediction. The result demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposal.


著者 Zichen Wang,Hao Miao,Senzhang Wang,Renzhi Wang,Jianxin Wang,Jian Zhang
発行日 2024-12-24 03:46:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク