Language Models Resist Alignment: Evidence From Data Compression


大規模言語モデル (LLM) は、意図しない動作や望ましくない動作を示す場合があります。
最近の研究は、有害な出力を軽減するために LLM を調整することに重点を置いています。
私たちの発見は、整列に対する抵抗を軽減するために LLM の固有の弾性に対処する必要性を強調しています。


Large language models (LLMs) may exhibit unintended or undesirable behaviors. Recent works have concentrated on aligning LLMs to mitigate harmful outputs. Despite these efforts, some anomalies indicate that even a well-conducted alignment process can be easily circumvented, whether intentionally or accidentally. Does alignment fine-tuning yield have robust effects on models, or are its impacts merely superficial? In this work, we make the first exploration of this phenomenon from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Empirically, we demonstrate the elasticity of post-alignment models, i.e., the tendency to revert to the behavior distribution formed during the pre-training phase upon further fine-tuning. Leveraging compression theory, we formally deduce that fine-tuning disproportionately undermines alignment relative to pre-training, potentially by orders of magnitude. We validate the presence of elasticity through experiments on models of varying types and scales. Specifically, we find that model performance declines rapidly before reverting to the pre-training distribution, after which the rate of decline drops significantly. Furthermore, we further reveal that elasticity positively correlates with the increased model size and the expansion of pre-training data. Our findings underscore the need to address the inherent elasticity of LLMs to mitigate their resistance to alignment.


著者 Jiaming Ji,Kaile Wang,Tianyi Qiu,Boyuan Chen,Jiayi Zhou,Changye Li,Hantao Lou,Josef Dai,Yunhuai Liu,Yaodong Yang
発行日 2024-12-20 16:25:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク